British Values 12.01.24

Dear Families

Welcome back to the first full school-week of January 2024. Again, the children have continued to settle in brilliantly and the learning for the Spring Term really has taken off.

Assembly – British Values

On Monday, I led an assembly all about our British values. We discussed what these were and why they are important to our British culture and society. We talked about what values are and how we might have our own individual and family values too.

In this assembly, we focussed on what Democracy is and even had the great Teddy Bear election. Across the academic year we will learn more about all 5 values. At the back of the newsletter, you will find a parents’ guide to British Values and what they are – I do hope you find it useful.

Here are two questions you might want to discuss as a family to follow up on our learning in assembly:

  • Do you think living in a country with a democracy is important?
  • Have you ever voted on something? Do you think voting is important?

Well-being – Mindfulness Strategies

At East Hunsbury Primary School, we are really working on the wellbeing offer we provide both our children and staff. Here are just a few of the things that we offer our community:

  • Forest School
  • Specialist yoga in small groups
  • Interventions Support Worker
  • Sensory Corridors
  • Reflection Room
  • Targeted wellbeing interventions to help manage anger, anxiety and self esteem
  • Access to sensory breaks
  • Foodbank
  • Children/adult mental health first aiders
  • Partnership with the Saints Engage programme and their education team
  • Team Talk partnership with Northampton Town Football Club

Each newsletter, we are also going to include a little: ‘Mindful Meditation activity’ – this could be something that you want to try as a family or your child might like to do on their own. Many children find the activities helpful when they are trying to control / regulate their emotions – they can end up being very useful strategies for them as they grow to help them gain a positive mindset. You may even want to cut them out and create your own little pack of them. See if you can find each one each week in our newsletter.

You will have also noticed that we are also including PSHE and PE activities for you to do at home. Obviously, these are optional but all are part of our, ‘Beyond the Curriculum,’ offer for our children and their families.

January support

January can be a difficult month for many families for many different reasons – if you need support or help in anyway, please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of our pastoral team:

Designated Safeguarding Lead, Assistant Head & SU Lead – Lucy Boswell

You can also share concerns with:

  • Lindsey York – Assistant Head, SENCO and Deputy DSL
  • Krista Neville - Family Support Worker
  • Kelly Roberts - Senior Leader & Health and Wellbeing Team Leader
  • Kat Pennington - Headteacher
  • Julia Fenton – Assistant Head

Roofing Update… and library.

Slowly but surely, we are making good progress with the installation of our new roof. Here are some pictures…

Over Christmas, we had planned to put the new roof on the library. However, the weather was not on our side so other work was completed instead. Therefore, our library will not reopen until w/c 29th January and, when it does, it will have a new floor! In the meantime, to ensure your child has a reading for pleasure book, they are welcome to bring one in from home (please make sure their name is in it). If this is in anyway a problem, please do not hesitate to contact me or our librarian, Mrs de Chastelain. Watch this space for more exciting environment renovations for our library…

The Trust have been supporting us with this huge project and we are very excited to see light at the end of the tunnel as we near completion in February.


At EHPS we try to always set manageable and carefully considered homework (please see our Homework Policy).

Homework can be really beneficial in getting children to consolidate their learning from within the classroom and good habits for later life. We do not want homework to be a battle for you so if you do need any help or guidance, please see your child’s class teacher or their phase leader.

Top Tips:

  • Create a homework timetable so your child knows when to complete their homework (we suggest the night they get it if possible so that it is done and out of the way, but you will organise something that works for your family).
  • Provide your child with a quiet space to do their homework including a flat surface e.g. a desk or table.
  • Encourage your child to ask their teacher for help if they find it hard (we do not expect you to do it for them :-) ).
  • Keep log-ins for website sites such as Times Table Rock Stars or somewhere handy e.g. on the kitchen fridge.
  • Any extra timetable practice and READING will always, always help your child (can you practise them in the car?).

Helpful Policies

At the start of any new term, it is always useful for us to share links to some useful policies

All of our policies can be found on our school website

Next week we have a busy and brilliant week ahead with:

  • The Beat Goes On Workshops
  • Our second House assembly
  • Y4 multiplication check information evening for parents on 18th January at 4.30pm. Please ask Mrs Fenton if you would like more information

I hope that you find this information useful and thank you for your continued support. Bring on next week!

Ms Pennington