Our Curriculum : Science
It is our intention to provide a diverse, knowledge-rich science curriculum which inspires our pupils to develop a fascination for and a deep understanding of the world around them. Our curriculum is aspirational, enabling and inclusive and ensures all children will:
- Learn a wide body of scientific knowledge which fosters scientific curiosity.
- Understand how science affects their everyday lives and develop a sense of responsibility for the world.
- Make confident, meaningful links between their learning, the wider curriculum and the real world.
- Understand what it means to study science and how this can influence their thoughts and actions both now and in the future.
- See themselves as scientists and understand the role of a scientist in society.
- Learn science through first-hand experiences - observe science in the real world and embed their scientific learning into meaningful contexts through scientific enquiry and enrichment opportunities.
- Be prepared for the next stage in their scientific learning.
Throughout our science curriculum, learning is purposeful and, through the acquisition of knowledge and scientific enquiry skills, children will develop a solid understanding of scientific concepts and the relevance of these to the world in which they live. We intend for our science curriculum to be guided by six principles:
- Curiosity – Children are encouraged to be curious, ask questions and be inquisitive about science and the world around them.
- Purpose - Disciplinary and substantive knowledge are sequenced to ensure a progressive curriculum which builds on prior knowledge and is informed by assessment.
- Inclusivity - Learning is inclusive and challenging for all; learning experiences are adapted to ensure all individual learning needs are met.
- Inspiration - Children experience science in a real-life context through practical enquiry and enrichment opportunities which enable them to see the relevance of their learning.
- Connectiveness - Teaching and learning exposes the links between science, the wider curriculum and the real world, such as engineering and medicine.
- Aspirational - Children see themselves as scientists. They understand the role that scientists play in our understanding of scientific concepts and are aware of the scientific careers available to them.
Implementation Overview
Long Term Map
Early Years
Building on from the Early Years
British Values
Protected Characteristics
Inclusion- Inclusive by Design
Furthering and deepening learning beyond the curriculum