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Our Curriculum : Personal Social Citizenship and Health


At East Hunsbury Primary School, our PSHE curriculum is aspirational, enabling and inclusive and sits at the heart of everything that we do. We value the importance of developing our children as brilliant individuals who are global, healthy citizens and every year children know more, do more and remember more.

The overarching aims of our curriculum is that children will:

  • Develop the knowledge, skills and attributes that they need to navigate their lives now and in the future.
  • Understand how to keep healthy and safe; including how to have purposeful and reciprocal relationships.
  • Understand the importance of valuing similarities and differences and how to recognise and manage their emotions.

Underpinning all learning and woven throughout will be the British Values of:

  • Democracy,
  • Rule of Law,
  • Individual Liberty,
  • Mutual Respect and
  • Tolerance

We took the strategic decision to adopt the Jigsaw programme to deliver our PSHE curriculum as it builds on our already good practice, is grounded in research and follows a comprehensive and progressive coverage of key concepts. Through the implementation of this curriculum, it is intended that children are taught how to navigate their changing world and supported to develop positive

relationships with themselves and others. 

It is our intention that:

By the end of Key Stage One Pupils will:

  • Have a positive relationship with themselves, peers and adults with in the school
  • Demonstrate a healthy attitude towards school and learning
  • Begin to demonstrate the British Values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, the rule of law and liberty
  • Know how to stay safe in their physical and digital worlds
  • Begin to have an awareness of their own mental health and well-being
  • Begin to develop an inclusive attitude that challenges discrimination in all of its forms
  • Understand the changes that happen to themselves and other animals and have taken part in age appropriate RSE

By the end of Key Stage Two pupils will:

  • Have a positive relationship with themselves and the wider school community
  • Have developed a positive body image
  • Demonstrate a healthy attitude towards learning and its place in their future
  • Understand what constitutes as a healthy relationship and how to seek help if they find themselves in an unhealthy situation
  • Have respect for themselves and others
  • Know how to stay safe in their digital and physical world
  • Have an inclusive attitude that actively challenges discrimination in all of its forms
  • Have an awareness and understanding of their own mental health and wellbeing and know where to turn for help should they need it
  • Understand change and have strategies to draw on when they need to approach changes in their lives
  • Understand the physical aspects involved with RSE at a developmentally appropriate level

Emotional Literacy and Intelligence

It is our intention that Emotional Literacy is integral to our curriculum. Emotional intelligence has been defined as:

‘...the ability to perceive accurately, appraise and express emotion, the ability to access and/or generate feelings when they facilitate thought, the ability to understand emotion and emotional knowledge; and the ability to regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth’ (Salovey & Sluyter, 1997, p.10).

The Jigsaw approach facilitates this and by the end of their progression through the programme children will have:

  • Built resilience,
  • Nurtured their physical and mental health and
  • Developed an emotional awareness alongside positive learning behaviours.

Through our strong links and partnerships with classes in our Specialist Unit, it is our intention that children develop an appreciation of the importance for inclusion and valuing others.