Lucy BoswellOur whole school community embraces and celebrates difference and diversity, and we strive for all our children to be the best they can be. We are one school!
Within our one school we have a 50 place Specialist Unit (SU) for children with severe learning difficulties, who have an EHCP. You can find our Local Authority SEN unit descriptor here East Hunsbury Primary School - Local Offer (
NPAT Unit provisions have shared drivers; these are the things we want for our pupils and are the things we work on all day, every day:
- Communication: To be confident communicators in their own form of communication
- Independence: To be as independent as possible and develop self-help skills for learning and life.
- Inclusion: To experience opportunities that develop a strong sense of belonging whilst embracing diversity and individuality.
- Success: To be happy and confident individuals who access and learn from an enriched curriculum that meets their needs.
We believe for children to reach their potential as learners and as human beings they must feel safe, they must be supported to take risks, become resilient and learn from each other. At our school we offer challenge in a safe, secure environment where children can thrive.
We have 6 class bases in our SU and each class links with a year group in the main school, building opportunities to learn and play together each term. Our Sing, Sign, Share sessions are held weekly and create time for us to share our learning and to build relationships throughout the school. We teach Makaton signing to all pupils and we believe in developing an "all communication" environment.
Our classes in the SU are smaller than in the main school, with classes generally having between 7 and 9 pupils in them. Our curriculum is accessible, engaging, aims high, and offers linked learning opportunities and time to focus on children's individual needs, through their EHCPs. We enrich our curriculum with experiences such as yoga, specialist music sessions and learning outside the classroom, including regular trips out of school on our minibus or on foot. We work hard to make learning real and based in experience. We believe in the right environment and with the right support all children can succeed.
If you would like more information about our provision, please contact Lucy Boswell, SU Lead and Assistant Head on 01604 677970 or