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Welcome to our Brilliant School
We are East Hunsbury Primary School
Work Hard | Be Kind | Believe
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Welcome to East Hunsbury Primary School


I am very proud to welcome you to the extraordinary school that is East Hunsbury Primary School – a school where every child flourishes and brilliance is our minimum standard. We are a vibrant, two-form entry school with a 50-place Specialist Provision. We are a family-focussed, inclusive school who always puts the children at the centre of everything we do and every decision we make.

Our mission is simple - we want children to leave us:

  • knowing their future choices and opportunities
  • prepared for the next stage of their educational journey and
  • equipped with the skills to be able to contribute to making a better world.

East Hunsbury Primary is a school that is dedicated to ensuring every child experiences success and feels valued and cared for. Although we have the highest of expectations for all of our pupils, and academic, artistic and sporting achievement are very important to us, we also believe that laughter and kindness are essential because when children are happy and feel safe, learning is easier. We have an exceptional curriculum which is complemented by our fantastic pastoral provision and our school values of:

Be Kind. Work hard. Believe.

flow throughout our school.

I hope that our website gives you a flavour of what we are all about but it is in our school where the magic really happens, so I strongly recommend that you come and visit us – our door is always open.

Kathryn Pennington


Be kind. Work hard. Believe.

Only have a minute? Take a very quick glance into life at East Hunsbury Primary School.

Our Full School Introduction Video


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News and Dates

We use ParentPay to make paying for trips, clubs, snack, music lessons quick and easy.

Events & Term Dates

News and Dates

Check our Term Dates and discover what we have planned for the coming weeks in School Calendar

Our School Curriculum

Our Curriculum

We have a detailed breakdown of all aspects of our Curriculum, covering our vision and all subjects.

School Newsletters


Our Newsletters are where we bring together everything we have to celebrate at East Hunsbury.

Key School Policies


Stay up-to-date about our school Policies and Key Informatuon here!

About Early Years


Find out how our early years classes are organised, including your child's learning journey.

Who We Are

One School. One Community. Learning and Growing Together