Dare to be different 12.07.24

Dear Families

Well, there is only one full week left of the academic year 2024-2025 and we have so much to celebrate and look forward to.

Today has been a sea of colour and creativity as it is our Dare to be Different Day! Throughout the school, we saw funky hair, painted nails and tattoos galore! Some of the staff even joined in as well. Thank you to everyone who donated to this special mufti in aid of our Change Makers appeal. This is one we will definitely do again.

Thank you!

Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who attended our school fete on 26th June – we raised a whopping £2488 and every single penny will go towards your child’s education. Well done to our Year 2 and Year 5 children who danced beautifully and opened our fete superbly and a special thank you to everyone who popped some spare pennies into our Change Maker appeal too – this really is going to make a difference.

Thank you to FEHPS for organising such a brilliant event and we were so lucky with the weather too.

Well done us we are now a Talk for Writing Showcase School

I am immensely proud to share with you that after a very rigorous assessment, led by Pie Corbett himself, we have been awarded the prestigious status of Talk for Writing Showcase school. We now join a handful of amazing schools across the country. This status is in recognition of our excellence in teaching writing and how we can now support other schools with our expertise, journey and knowledge. This is a true testament to our amazing teaching team, their skills and dedication. Well done everyone! I love how we are creating the next generation of readers and writers. Brilliant!

Transfer day

This week started with a few nerves as it was transfer day. To begin with, the school came together in an assembly where we explored the ‘Power of Yet’ once again. We thought about all of the challenges, or things, we couldn’t do… YET! This set us up nicely to meet our new teacher and have a fun morning learning all about next year and also everyone getting to know each other. I am really excited about next year and I hope that your child left on Monday excited too. A special welcome to Mr Guilder, Mrs Wardell and Miss Parker who are new teachers joining our family.

Music Gala

This week also started with an amazing music gala, led and organised by Mrs Landeman. What a talented bunch of musicians we have within our school! We were treated to singing, instruments galore and it was clear that a lot of practice and hard work had gone into it. Thank you Mrs Landeman for organising such a wonderful event which showcased our musical talents so superbly.

Bikeability – Year 5

Also, this week many of our Year 5 children took part in Bikeability where they learnt all about riding their bikes safely on our roads. It was wonderful to see them learning such an important skill. Talking of sports for Year 5, last Friday saw our Year 5 children take part in their annual sports day. We were again blessed with dry weather and it was wonderful to see the sportsmanship and sporting talent amongst our young people.

Year 6 Events

Last Thursday, our Year 6 led a fantastic Enterprise project where they had to design their own stall and turn £5 into as much as they could. What a brilliant event it was – organised by Mrs Heavens. The children learnt lots about entrepreneurial skills and made a profit of £633.

Year 6 are nearly there now with their performance of Annie – the standard of singing and dancing is incredibly high and next week we see them perform it to an audience – we can’t wait!

This time of year is always bitter sweet for our brilliant year sixes and whilst we are excited for the leaver’s parties and performances we are already wishing there was more time we could have with them.

Change Makers

I have mentioned our brilliant Change Makers a couple of times now and they a really are doing an amazing job raising vital funds for a quiet area on our school playground. They are expertly led by Miss Welch as part of the Careers and Aspirations team. Last week, they ventured to the University of Northampton to present their vision, work and money raised. They spoke confidently and competently in front of over 100 people! Wow! Later in the newsletter you can read more about what they did when they visited UoN.

Uniform reminder for next year

We take great pride in our uniform and it is that time of year again where new uniform is purchased and we throw out the old school shoes. Please have a look at our uniform page on the website to remind yourselves of our uniform expectations and the policy can be found here.

Please note that we are phasing out our yellow t-shirts and PE trainers should be plain black or white.


Did you see our bumper newsletter last Friday with all of the information about next year? If not, you can click on these links to read more (mainstream and SU). And, next week, the end of year reports land!

Next week will be our final newsletter of the year so if you have any special shoutouts, please send them in to and… just in case you fancy nominating us in the Northampton Education Awards, here is the link:

Have a brilliant weekend everyone.

Mrs Pennington