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Martin Smith Visit 04.10.24

Dear Families

It’s started! R.E.D. (Read Every Day) in October has launched!! We started with our assembly on Monday which shared with the children all of the exciting things that we have planned this month and then on Tuesday, local author, Martin Smith visited our school (see page 5 for some of his books).

Martin Fact File

  • He loves Everton football club, hiking and gaming
  • When he was growing up he wanted to be Gary Lineker, Raphael the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle or a magician.
  • Instead he became a journalist for Coventry Telegraph

 We are so excited for our author visits (you will have noticed that many of the authors and illustrators we have in school are ones from our reading spine or English curriculum as we really want to make our curriculum purposeful). 

Please make sure that our R.E.D. October Mufti Day is in your diaries on 11th October when children can come dressed as a book character (as always, this is optional as we know some children do not like dressing up). Please bring £1 cash on the day.

Library of the Year

On Wednesday, Mrs Pennington, Mrs De Chastelain and Mrs Pretty hopped on a train and went down to London to Covent Garden, to take part in the prestigious Library of the Year finalists. We were amazed to have made it to the finals but it is credit to the hard work of our wonderful librarian, Mrs De Chastelain and our Reading Ambassadors, who over the past two years, have brought our library back to life!

KS2 Girls Rugby Take Over

Here at EHPS, we love rugby and on Wednesday, 8 girls from UKS2 took part in a rugby take over event at The Casuals in Northampton. They had a fantastic time. They took part in lots of different skill stations of tag rugby then competed against other schools in mini games. The girls won all their games. Well done girls for your participation Thank you to Mrs Wardell (our PE lead) for organising.

New Intake

On Saturday, we hosted a special Forest School session for potential families who are looking to start school in September. It was a brilliant morning, and we were so lucky that the rain held off!

Thursday also saw the start of our more formal New Intake Tours and already they were a sell out! It fills me with great pride showing parents and children around our brilliant school. They always see fantastic learning and super behaviour. This year our Reception cohort was full, so if you know of anyone with a child starting in school in September 2025 who may like to join the East Hunsbury family, please ask them to book on a tour by clicking the link.

Governor Monitoring

Today, we opened our doors to our Governors who came in to monitor and see how we do maths. They said “We had a very positive visit to the school today. We were able to observe some good, consistent practice from the teachers and some very focussed children.”

We are really thankful to our Governors who offer support and challenge to ensure that we are always on the path of improvement. If you are unsure who our Governors are, they are:

Louise Whaites - Chair       Becca Williams       Hanna Castle
Madeline Clark   Anne Leverton     Lauren Clements
Natalie Parsonson   Jenny Bradshaw        Kathryn Pennington
Sarah Heavens   Subhash Jani    





Don’t forget our key weekend dates:

  • Spooktacular – 19th October (all tickets are sold out)
  • Christmas Fete – 7th December

Have a super-duper weekend.

Ms Pennington