Welcome back. It's Spring 2

Dear Families

Welcome Back! I trust that you had a lovely half term break. The children, once again, have settled back in brilliantly and the fabulous learning has once again begun.

Assembly and our 70 Things!

The return started with our usual Welcome Back Assembly and in our EYFS and KS1 assembly we read the book ‘Kindness Grows’ and thought about our school value of Be Kind.

Also, in the school assembly we launched our 70 Things to Do initiative! Did you receive your letter and special booklet? We have been planning this initiative for a considerable amount of time (we have even had the artwork up since September in our hall) and it is inspired by three key factors:

  1. The National Trust’s 50 things to do before you are 11
  2. The United Nation’s Right of the Child Number 31 - to have the right to rest, play and take part in cultural and artistic activities.
  3. Activities we think are great fun and will bring a smile to our children’s faces! Basically, brilliant things to do whilst being a child!

Whilst we will be completing many of the activities in school, we are encouraging you to do as many as you can at home. We are asking families to keep a scrapbook of them completing the 70 Things (hopefully a lovely keepsake). For every child who completes all 70 Things and can show us their scrapbook there will be a special prize awarded in school.

TT Rockstars and Numbots

In our assembly, we also reminded the children about the fantastic websites: TT Rockstars and Numbots. These are great sites for children to practice their timetables and Key Number Facts. Every child (except Reception) should have a log-in. If your child does not, please speak to your child’s class teacher who will be able to issue one for you. I recommend 10 minutes a day to ensure that these key facts get cemented into your child’s long-term memory.

Lastly, in assembly we learnt all about Jelly Babies! Yes… Jelly Babies!


  • Jelly Babies were originally known as Peace Babies. Launched in 1918 to celebrate the end of WW1.
  • They stopped being produced during WW2 due to not being able to get the ingredients.
  • They started making them again in 1953 and renamed them Jelly Babies.
  • Each Jelly baby has its own name…

Green Jelly Baby is Booful
Orange Jelly Baby is Bumper
Yellow Jelly Baby is Bubbles
Black/purple Jelly Baby is Big Heart
Raspberry Jelly Baby is Baby Bonny
And our favourite… Red Jelly Baby is BRILLIANT!

Parents’ Evening & Creche

Our mainstream (R-Y5) Parents’ Evenings are on 6th & 7th March and our SU Parents’ Evenings is on 6th March. You can book via School Cloud. We are providing a creche this year in the Music Room (thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers) and please note that myself and Mrs York will be available if you have any questions for us. We are looking forward to seeing you all.

The Scholastic Book Fair is also running from 6th to 8th March from 3.30pm to 6.30pm on 6 & 7th March and until 4pm on 8th March. Jules@Home will here if you need to buy any new uniform.

Life Education – 27th and 28th March

Earlier in the week, you received a letter from our PSHE and Wellbeing leader, Mrs Kelly Roberts, all about the Life Education team visiting Reception, Yr 1, Yr 2 and Yr 3. In the past they used to bring a bus but now it’s a tent! This means that our hall will be out of action and we will not be able to serve hot dinners. However, we have organised that a cold option will be served in the classrooms so if you had previously ordered a hot dinner, please go on and reorder a cold option – thank you. We can’t wait for the tent to arrive and look forward to telling you all about it in March.

World Book Day 7th March

We are very excited for World Book Day on 7th March. As you know we are a school that LOVES reading! This year we are not dressing up (we do this in October) but we will be taking part in lots of book-ish activities including buddy reading and sharing stories from our 100 Reads and our new Be You. Be Proud. reading spine. Please check your child’s class dojo for the finer details.


If you have a blue badge or EHPS parking pass PLEASE do not park in our car park excessively early. i.e. please do not arrive before 08:20 or 3:20. Our car park is getting unnecessarily congested before the start and end of the day.

Tesco Token WINNERS!

We are winners! Did you put a blue token into the Tesco Token bank? If you did – THANK YOU! We are winners once again and will be using the £1500 to help fund a special breakfast club. You really are the best and thank you for your support.


And last but not least… the roof is FINISHED! Hurrah – thank you to our whole school community for bearing with us whilst this important and very necessary project was completed. We are already seeing a vast improvement and it is wonderful not to have to get out the buckets when it rains.

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday.

Ms Pennington