Summer Reading Challenge 28.06.24

Dear Families

The weeks are simply flying by and this week has been another wonderful one.

Summer Reading Challenge Assembly

This week’s assembly was all about the library Summer Reading Challenge. Nick and Jackie visited us from Hunsbury Library and shared with all of the children how they can take part in this year’s reading challenge called Marvellous Makers. To find out more click here and we really hope that as many children will take part as possible (there is even a prize for the school with the most entries). You do not need to go to Hunsbury Library, you can visit any library but register our school. We are also offering a house point for every child who completes it! So… let’s get reading!

Year 1 get Muddy!

Well… not really, this week Year 1 went off to Muddy Education in Flore, where they learnt all about habitats and eco-systems in order to support their Geography and Science learning. The children were extremely well behaved and a happy, outdoor day was had by all! Thank you, Year 1 team, for organising and what wonderful weather we had!

Year 4 Visit Franklins Gardens

We’ve had a few weeks now packed full of rugby fun and this week Year 4 got to visit Franklins Gardens and enjoy everything rugby. It was such a great day and wonderful to hear from the children how much they enjoyed it, especially those who had never visited a stadium before.

We have nearly finished all of our sports days now (just Year 5 & SU to go!) and we have been so lucky with the weather. Please do let your class teacher know your views on the format of them and any improvement you feel we could make.


Also, this week we had our class photos which were taken by Pret-a-Portrait. The class photos are taking a more traditional style but the individual photos taken in September will be a blend of formal and relaxed for you to choose from. We really do hope that you like them.

Holiday Clubs

Have you booked your place at Oak Holiday clubs yet? They are running here at EHPS during the first two full weeks of the summer holidays. Click here to book a place.

Next week is the bumper special newsletter when I share information about staffing, environment updates and the results of the parent survey etc so keep your eyes peeled.

I look forward to seeing you at our school fete tomorrow. It starts at 10am when the dancing and fun begins! Fingers crossed for the weather.

Ms Pennington