Welcome to Autumn 1 2023 - 2024!

Dear Families

Welcome back!

It has been wonderful welcoming back all of the children and staff to school ready to start the new year! It has been especially lovely welcoming all of our new starters. Next week sees our new reception children start full-time but this week we said: ‘Hello’ to 23 children who started with us across the school. We are delighted that so many children want to join East Hunsbury and I am thrilled to say that we now only have a few spaces in Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 & Year 4.

We have also welcomed some new members of staff – please see page 3 for who has joined us and their role. We are going to do everything we can to make sure that all new children and staff settle in and quickly feel part of the East Hunsbury Primary School Family.

We have all been really impressed with how well the children have settled back in and are learning already – such a great start!

New facilities

Our school has been open over the whole summer with lots of work being done to improve the environment. We are pleased to share that we now have new and improved:

  • Forestry area
  • Flooring throughout the mainstream and Specialist Unit (including in the hall).
  • Signage throughout the school and in the Year 3 and 4 classrooms.
  • Work has also been done to improve the lighting and hot water facilities.
  • Staffroom kitchen (gifted to us by Wickes)
  • New toilets in the reception and Year 1 areas (we even have book themed toilet doors with our values on!)

A special mention and thank you must go to Starhna Francis, our Site Supervisor, who has worked tirelessly over the summer to organise everyone and also Jo Long, our School Business Manager, who helped make it all possible. Thank you both very much.

We still have more plans to make further improvements to the facilities so watch this space over the next couple of years. This includes Project Playground which you can still donate to by clicking here (thank you):

This week started with a whole school assembly which focussed on our values, rules and expectations. We also read the book Only One You by Linda Kranz. It is a beautiful book all about embracing our individuality and acceptance.

Website and Video

Lots of information about our school can be found on our school website – including our new video which was filmed just before the end of term – what do you think? Click here to watch.

Thank you

We have had a new staffroom gifted to us by Wickes which was amazing – thank you very much to the team at Wickes for their generosity. However, we hit a stumbling block when we realised we weren’t able to fit it. A HUGE thank you must go to Robert Mackenzie and his team at Ark Extensions who came to our rescue! They gave up their time to install it for free! As a school, we are so humbled and grateful for this gesture and every member of staff would like to say: thank you! Especially me!

Thank you! We Won!

Finally, THANK YOU to everyone who popped a blue token into the box at Tesco! We won the main prize! This means we have £1500 to spend on Early Years’ equipment. Watch this space! Thank you Mrs Jutla for applying for this! If you know of any other grants or schemes we could apply for, please do let me know!

As we start the new academic year with lots of exciting and enriching opportunities ahead of us, please know that my door is always open, as our my Senior Leaders’ who will always be more than happy to listen and help.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kathryn Pennington
