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Swimming, Forest School, Future Leaders 10.11.23

Dear Families

It’s been another brilliant week here at EHPS and we are now firmly into week 2 of Autumn 2. The Year 6s started their swimming lessons, reception began their forest school learning and our Year 2 children are singing and dancing ready for their class assembly.

EHPS Future Leaders

Over the past few weeks, we have been practising our democratic right to vote by voting in our children’s leadership groups. They are our:

  • Ministers who are now part of our School Parliament
  • Playleaders who will help organise physical activities out on the playground
  • Reading Ambassadors who organise reading events and promote reading at all times!
  • Digital Leaders who support our digital learning and technology across the school
  • House Captains who will lead our House events and run our points system

Congratulations to all of the children who were chosen!

Soon you will be able to identify them around school as they will be wearing special badges, and we will keep you updated with their work as the year goes on. We know that they are going to have such an impact on the direction of our school – watch this space.

I wonder if we have a future prime minister in our midst?

Check out the newsletter next week for their specific roles and how they will support our school.


This week, we also had our first house assembly which was a huge success! Again, it was wonderful to get together in our house families. In the assembly we launched our new House Token scheme which is linked to our school values and introduced our new house captains. When a child is caught demonstrating one of our school values (Be Kind. Work Hard. Believe) they are awarded a House Token (which are wooden to match our forestry theme). Periodically, the House Captains will count up the tokens and we will share the results in an assembly. At the end of the year, the winning team will be awarded the prestigious House Shield!

At the end of the assembly, each child was given their House Badge! We hope that they wear them with pride (and look after them). If your child looses their badge, new ones can be purchased for a donation at our school office.

The week ended with a special remembrance assembly led by Vicar Griff for KS2 and class teachers for KS1. Thank you to everyone who brought a poppy or two and made a donation to such an important cause.

Adults and Tots

On Wednesday, we held our first Adult and Tots session of the school year and what a brilliant session it was. We love opening our doors to our community and running such events as these. I am always looking for more ideas to support our families so please do share if you ever have any. Please also let your friends and family know about these sessions by sharing this link for our December session. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for 2024 sessions.

Run, run as fast as you can

On Wednesday, Mrs Kelly and Miss Ferrier took a group of 6 children to Abington Park for the Northamptonshire Sport Fun Run. WOW! The children did amazingly well. They certainly demonstrated our school values. Thank you to all of our staff who give up their time to run clubs and attend such events.

Year 4 Rainforest Experience

Last week, Year 4 and Yellow class were treated to a brilliant Rainforest Experience from Simon, a real-life Rainforest explorer. The children were enthralled with the experience and learnt so much which complemented their Geography learning. Even their reading unit is focussed on the Amazon Rainforest as they will be exploring the book The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom and illustrated by Kristjana S Williams.

On Thursday evening, we opened our doors to our prospective parents as we held a presentation and a tour of our brilliant school. Our choir sang, our Year 4s performed and our Year 6s toured the parents. I am so proud of our children. They really are a credit to you and reflected the true brilliance of our school amazingly. Scan this QR code to watch a short film about our school and if you know of any family looking for a school for September 2024, please do ask them to book a tour via our school website or call the school office.

What’s coming up?

Finally, please have a look at have a look at our Christmas timetable of events (pg 9 of the newsletter) – I know it seems early to share such things but we (I) like to be organised and prepared. Sign up sheets for the FEHPS hampers are now on the school doors.

Have a lovely weekend and thank you for your continued support. A reminder of the SLT emails if you should ever need them, including mine.

Mrs Pennington
Mrs Fenton (Year 3 & 4 Lead and AHT)
Mrs Heavens (Year 5 & 6 Lead and AHT)
Mrs Hayhurst (EYFS and Year 1 & 2 Lead)
Mrs Boswell (Specialist Unit Leader and Deputy DSL & AHT)
Mrs Roberts (Nest Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mrs York (Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Leader and Deputy DSL)

Ms Pennington