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EHPS Alumni 13.10.23

Dear Families

Another brilliant week here at EHPS with so much learning and exciting events packed in.

Paige Gibson and the EHPS Alumni

On Monday, we had an inspirational assembly led by Paige Gibson and her kickboxing coach. Paige, is an ex-pupil of East Hunsbury Primary School (she left in 2019) and is representing Great Britain in the World Kickboxing Championships in Canada, later this month. We will be closely following her progress and will update you when we can. Your child will have also brought home a leaflet regarding martial arts, incase your child is interesed.

As you are aware, today’s mufti was to help raise sponsorship and support Paige so if you would like to donate please click here.

We believe East Hunsbury is a fantastic school to set children off on their life journey and we have been busy building our Alumni (ex-pupils who have achieve great things and can inspire the future). If you know, or are, an ex-pupil who would like to join our Alumni please email me at .

It was World Mental Health Day on 10th October and each class held an class assembly in which they watched this short video by Ant and Dec. Click here to watch it. The video is linked to ITV’s 'Britain Get Talking’ campaign.

Every child had a little homework to do from this session which was simply to talk to someone at home about their worries - did any of them talk to you? In school we also talk regularly to the children about helping hands - where they name 5 people (5 fingers) who they could talk to at home and in school.

Here is also short Loom of Mrs Roberts introducing the theme:

Year 5 Assembly – Protected Characteristics

At EHPS, we are proud to be inclusive, diverse and accepting of our community – we want every child to be able to be who they should be. On Tuesday, I led a special assembly with Year 5 all about Protected Characteristics. These are the 9 characteristics that the Equality Act 2010 says that you must not be discriminated against. See over the page for the 9 Protected Characteristics which you may want to talk to your children about.


Future Leaders - Elections week

Is your child a future leader? EHPS is more than just teaching children to read and write because we are always trying to grow our future leaders and have ensure that there are a variety of roles across the school that they will be interested in. Such as:

  • Play Leaders (Year 6) who will support play at lunchtimes
  • Reading Ambassadors (Years 4-6) who will promote reading and help with all of our reading events and in the library.
  • Ministers (Years 1-6) who will be part of our School Parliament
  • House Captains (Year 6) who will support the Heads of Houses (teachers) in running the Houses across the school.

We also have our Digital Leaders in place and coming soon with be our Mental Health Ambassadors as part of our Health and Well Being Education Team.

It is through these roles that the children will learn about democracy, applications and interviews.


We are right in the middle of our brilliant RED October (Read Every Day)! Children are stopping me in the corridors telling me how they are getting on with the Book Bingo or which of the 100 reads they are reading.

As part of our RED October, last week the outstanding Word Guerrilla visited us and led assemblies and workshops across the school. The children enjoyed rapping, performing and making up their own poetry throughout the day. I love the quote: ‘Poetry is just the best words in the best order,’ by Samuel Coleridge which shows us that we are all poets!

This week Mini Grey visited Key Stage 1. Mini is a well-known writer and illustrator and the children loved learning all about the books she writes and what inspires her. We are delighted and humbled that she drew our very own illustrations - we are definitely going to frame these!

Lastly, children in Key Stage 1 and the SU need to bring in a named book to share with someone from KS2 on MONDAY for our first House event! Exciting!

Thank you everyone, enjoy your weekend.

Ms Pennington.